Usage for Uzume
Table of contents
- download
- start-up
- operate UME
- stack data
- run UME
- shutdown
Download and Extract the file "UME.lzh".
Double click the "Uzume(=Uzume.bat)" file inside the downloaded folder(Figure 1).
Figure 1: Initial state of UME.
2.Operate UME
a.Stack data
First, you need to stack traces to SM before run UME.
The way of stacking traces has two ways.
- Push "LOAD" button to load traces(UME-data)
if you have saved-traces(Figure 2).
Sample file is included in the downloaded file.
Specify the "ume_sample_data" folder inside the downloaded folder
and choose the [sample_of_num0-9.uzm] file.
- If you want to save images you drew into the input range,
check the "Add Trace" and "Gauss filter",
and then draw and push the "v" button.
You can push "INPUT(from bmp)" button to stack traces instead of drawing images.
Bmp images must be 64-width, 32-height, and 24bit-color data.
The images you draw in the SM could
be saved as a file by the button "SAVE".
Figure 2: Loaded data.
b.Run UME
Draw a handwritten image in "input" range as you like.
Push "v" button, then echo would be created.
The border color of each image in SM shows similarity.
Most similar image is displayed in "choice" range.
Push "<-" button several times.
Figure 3: Run UME.
Push cross-button on the top right-hand corner of Ume's window.